Datasource API

Getting Started

Using the Datasource API requires the following:

The following sections describe these concepts in detail.

Authentication using Google Accounts

Each Datasource is associated with an ACL list of Google Accounts. Each list contains rolls for reading and writing data to the resource. The Default Site ACL allows all authenticated users to read and only admins to write. An ACL can also be set to allow anonymous access (no Google Account) but in most cases you should be tracking who is writing to your Cloud.

You can authenticate using either of two approaches:

ClientLogin username/password Authentication

ClientLogin authentication uses more traditional username/password requests to authenticate an application. Typically, this authentication scheme is useful for standalone, single-user clients (such as a desktop application). ClientLogin is also useful for testing purposes. The ClientLogin scheme generates an authentication token so that future actions can reference the token rather than require further username/password authentications. Additionally, ClientLogin authentication can be extended to use CAPTCHAs™ or other enhancements.

To request an authentication token using the ClientLogin mechanism, send a secure HTTP (HTTPS) POST request to the ClientLogin URL:

The POST body must be constructed as a form post with default encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The body of the POST request should specify the set of query parameters:

Type of account to be authenticated. The default is GOOGLE; if you want to support Google Apps for Your Domain users, use HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE.
The user's email address.
The user's password.
The Google AppEngine service name (ah). (For other service names, see the service name list.)
Short name identifying your client application, used for logging purposes. This string should take the form companyName-applicationName- versionID.

Upon successful authentication, the server returns an HTTP 200 OK status code, plus three alphanumeric codes in the body of the response: SID, LSID, and Auth. The Auth value contains the authorization token that you'll use to authenticate to the Maps Data API on subsequent maps-feed requests. (You can ignore the SID and LSID values.)

Since all requests to private map feeds require authentication you must set an Authorization header in all subsequent interactions with the Datasource API, using the following format:

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 

For more information about ClientLogin authentication, including sample requests and responses, see the Authentication for Installed Applications documentation.

Proxy Login username/password Authentication

You can log directly to your Cloud instance using your Google Account without having to use the ClientLogin authentication described above. When you use the proxy login, your Cloud instance calls the appropriate Google ClientLogin url in the background and returns an opaque token that you can use on your urls. Your Google username and password are not stored and the Proxy must be used via secure https. The token will timeout based on the timespan the administator has set (the default value is one day)

Google's LoginClient is the preferred method for obtaining access to your Cloud but Proxy is a good alternative when subsequent client requests cannot set the authorization header. For instance, Google Earth KML NetworkLinks will not set any custom headers so secure access to dynamic KML resources can be accomplished by appending the proxy token to the urls (http://anyurl?token=tokenFromProxy)

In all of the following examples, the Google ClientLogon ACSID cookie header is used but you could change all of them to use the proxy login token inthe url iteself instead. 

The POST body must be constructed as a form post with default encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The body of the POST request should specify the set of query parameters:

The Username and Password of your account separated by the bar ("|") username|password.
Usage Example:

Authentication using OpenID

coming soon...

Datasource API

The Datasource API allows users to create and edit individual datasources using simple HTTP requests given the proper credentials. A Datasource is a collection of vector features that have a common set of attribute fields and usually a common geometry type. It can be searched using both spatial and attribute based parameters (seperately or in combination). It also allows for feature level editing (insert, update, delete) with edit feeds and edit notifications

Geometry - The default format for working with Feature geometry is GeoJson

Field Properties - A collection of name/value pairs for each feature in your datasource. There can be any number of fields for each datasource however, performance (indexing, feature serialization) is directly affected by field count. If a Domain is present on a field, the value of that field in incoming inserts and updates will be validated. If the new value does not match the domain, the update does not occur and a error code is returned.

String, Integer, Float, DateTime
Must be unique across all fields in Datasource
Alternate name for field
Optional enforced values for the field
Value that used for field when no data is supplied in the edit operation

Value Domain
Unique set of values for the field (Red, Blue, Yellow)
Range Domain
Numeric range of values that are allowed for field (1 to 100)

Get a List of All Datasources

Get a List of All Datasources

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 
   "datasources": [
         "acl": {
            "admin": false, 
            "read": true, 
            "write": true
         "alias": "", 
         "copyright": "", 
         "count": 0, 
         "description": "", 
         "features": 0, 
         "fields": [
               "alias": "", 
                    "type": "Range",
                    "values": [1,100] 
               "name": "SomeField", 
               "type": "Integer"
               "alias": "", 
                    "type": "Value",
                    "values": ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow"] 
               "name": "AnotherField", 
               "type": "String"
         "geometryType": "Polygon", 
         "name": "Parcels"

Get Datasource

Get Datasource - Retrieve information about a single datasource. Optionally retrieve ACL information for the current user

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 
     "acl": {
        "admin": false, 
        "read": true, 
        "write": true
     "alias": "", 
     "copyright": "", 
     "count": 0, 
     "description": "", 
     "features": 0, 
     "fields": [
           "alias": "", 
           "domain": [], 
           "name": "SomeField", 
           "type": "Integer"
           "alias": "", 
           "domain": [], 
           "name": "AnotherField", 
           "type": "String"
     "geometryType": "Polygon", 
     "name": "Parcels"

Add Datasource

Add Datasource - Create a new datasource, a unique name and geomtry type must be supplied. A fields collections and other options can also be sent in the body of the request. If the values in the body are not correctly formatted, the entire operation is cancelled and the datasource is not created.

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 

    "description":"some descriptive text",
    "copyright":"some copyright text",
        "name": "fieldName",
        "alias": "",
        "type": "String",
        "default": "Red",
            "type": "Value",
            "values": ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow"]
        }, {
        "name": "numericField",
        "alias": "",
        "type": "Integer",
        "default": 0,
            "type": "Range",
            "values": [0, 100]

Response: 201
"status": 201, 
"message": "Datasource 'newDS' created", 
    "count": 0, 
    "name": "newDS", 
    "copyright": "", 
    "fields": [...], 
    "alias": "newDS", 
    "geometryType": "Point", 
    "features": 0, 
    "description": ""

401 - Forbidden
409 - Datasource already exists
400 - Invalid parameter

Update Datasource

Update Datasource - You can only update some options for an existing datasource. You cannot update the name or the geometry type. When you add or remove Fields, existing features will not be updated until they are saved again.

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 

    "description":"some descriptive text",
    "copyright":"some copyright text",
        "name": "fieldName",
        "alias": "",
        "type": "String",
        "default": "Red",
            "type": "Value",
            "values": ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow"]
        }, {
        "name": "numericField",
        "alias": "",
        "type": "Integer",
        "default": 0,
            "type": "Range",
            "values": [0, 100]

Response: 200
"status": 200, 
"message": "Datasource 'dsName' updated", 
    "count": 0, 
    "name": "newDS", 
    "copyright": "", 
    "fields": [...], 
    "alias": "newDS", 
    "geometryType": "Point", 
    "features": 0, 
    "description": ""

401 - Forbidden
404 - Datasource doesn't exist
400 - Invalid parameter

Delete Datasource

Delete Datasource - Deletes a datasource from the datasources colection and returns immediately. Deleting a datasource starts the indexing procedure to remove all data associated with the datasource in the background. Be careful when you run this command.

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 
Response: 200
{"status": 200, "message": "Datasource 'dsName' deleted"}

401 - Forbidden
404 - Datasource doesn't exist

Search Datasource

The Datasource Search API generally follows the OpenSearch Geo draft specification for querying features using attribute or geographic parameters.

Parameter Details
f (default=html) Description: The response format of the selected parcels.

  • html Built-in Catalog page for the parcel (must be logged in)
  • json ESRI Json
  • gjson GeoJson
  • kml KML, use the auxillary kmlp parameter to format the KML
  • kmz KMZ Archive, contains KML
  • georss/rss GeoRSS
  • gml Simple GML
  • wkt Well Known Text, no attributes
  • csv Comma Delimited, geometry in WKT format
  • gme Google Maps Encoded
callback Description: When the format is json or gjson, this value is appended to the front of the result. This is used primarily with client side APIs that support PJSON
bbox Description: The Bounding Box used as the search geometry
lat Description: The Latitude value used in the search geometry
lon Description: The Longitude value used in the search geometry
ls Description: The LineString used as the search geometry. An array of vertices separated by commas in longitude, latitude layout
Format: v1.lon,, v2.lon,, v3.lon,
p Description: The Pulygon used as the search geometry. An array of vertices separated by commas in longitude, latitude layout. If the last point in the array does not match the first, the query engine will automatically close the pulygon.
Format: v1.lon,, v2.lon,, v3.lon,
loc Description: The Location value used as the search geometry. A location can be one of three values that are parsed and determined by the server.
  • Lat/Lng - the location value is a valid lat/lng pair
  • Address - the location value is a valid street address. The current Geocoder engine on the server is used to determine the correct search geometry. The default Geocoder is Google Maps.
  • Feature Id - the location value is the geometry of a known feature id (FID) of any datasource on the server. Use datasourceName:FID as the value (ex: Westfield_Parcels:1001)
d Description: The offset buffer value (in meters) to use on the search geometry. The value is applied to points, linestrings, polygons and locations values but is not applied to the bbox parameter.
q Description: The question used for attribute searches in the form of: AttributeName=Value
  • String attributes must have quotes around the value and can optionally have a wildcard (*) at the end of the search value.
  • Numeric and Date fields can also use greater than (>) and less than (<) operators
  • FullText (future) - if no valid field name is located in the question, a full text search over all attributes is used

Example Usage

Example 1: Find Parcel at this Lat/Lng

Example 2: Find Parcels with Owners named "Jones""jones*"&f=gjson

Example 3: Find Parcels within 50 meters of Parcel ID: 100

Auto Complete

Auto Complete is the ability to search for specific features using only a portion of text from one of their fields. The Datasource Search API above allows you to do this using the wildcard character (*) however this service is optimized for running multiple queries at once and returning the results in a format to be used by popular Javascript UI components. You can specify multiple Datasources and the results will include the values that match from each one.

Parameter Details
f (default=json) This service only returns json data contaning the following sections.
            "data": [],
            "query": "",
            "suggestions": []

The values match what is needed by Devbridge's jQuery AutoComplete product however they could be used with other compnents as well
query The partial text value to search on
limit (default=10) The optional value that limits the number of results from each datasource.
ds A $ delimited list of strings used to define which Datasources and their fields to search on. Each Datasource is encoded into 4 parts, each separated by the | character:

  • Datasource Name
  • Field Name
  • Suggestion Template - String to display the results. You can use any field in the Datasource using [!FieldName]
  • Distinct - Return only unique values (optional, true or false)

Example: ds=counties|NAME|County:[!NAME],[!STATE]$states|NAME|State:[!NAME]

Example: Use AutoComplete across US States, US Counties and US Cities. (run example)!NAME%5D%2C+%5B!ST_ABBREV%5D%24counties%7CNAME%7CCounty%3A+%5B!NAME%5D%2C+%5B!STATE_NAME%5D%24states%7CSTATE_NAME%7CState%3A+%5B!STATE_NAME%5D&query=Col
   "data": [
   "query": "Col", 
   "suggestions": [
      "City: Colbert, WA", 
      "City: Colburn, IN", 
      "City: Colby, KS", 
      "City: Colchester, IL", 
      "County: Colbert, Alabama", 
      "County: Cole, Missouri", 
      "County: Coleman, Texas", 
      "County: Coles, Illinois", 
      "County: Colfax, New Mexico", 
      "County: Colleton, South Carolina", 
      "County: Collier, Florida", 
      "County: Collin, Texas", 
      "County: Collingsworth, Texas", 
      "State: Colorado"

Overlay Operation

Compare features from two Datasources using standard spatial overlay operations

Feature API

The Feature API allows user to create and edit individual vector features in each datasource. A feature consists of unique ID and a single GeoJSON entry. You can add, edit or delete features individually or by using the batch resource to post several edits in a single request. Each feature has a unique string FID (feature id) that is either uploaded with the datasource or is assigned automatically when the feature is inserted.

The format used for editing features is GeoJson.

Get Feature

Get Feature - Use a Feature ID or the exact value of the Display Field for that feature to access it's resource. The format parameter (ex: f=json) will change how the data is returned. Look at the valid values in the Datasource Search parameters above

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 
Response: 200
   "properties": {
      "DECNO": "E-138", 
      "OBJECTID": 100, 
      "SomeOtherField": ""
   "geometry": {
      "coordinates": [
   "type": "Point",
   "id": "100"

   "properties": {
      "FID": 101, 
      "PARKNUMBER": "X039", 
      "area": 2729.3323103799999, 
      "len": 226.386394698
   "geometry": {
      "coordinates": [
   "type": "Polygon",
   "id": "101"

401 - Forbidden
404 - Feature does not exist

Add Feature

Add Feature - Use a valid GeoJson Feature in the request body. If the "id" is blank, a new one will be created and returned automatically. Additionally, if there is an existing attribute field named "id", "fid" or "objectid" it will use that value instead. If you use the value of an existing feature, the feature will not be updated and an error will be returned.

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 

   "properties": {
      "DECNO": "E-138", 
      "SomeOtherField": ""
   "geometry": {
      "coordinates": [
      "type": "Point"
Response: 201
"status": 201, 
"message": "Feature '12345_6789' created", 
       "properties": {
          "DECNO": "E-138", 
          "OBJECTID": 100, 
          "SomeOtherField": ""
       "geometry": {
          "coordinates": [
          "type": "Point"

401 - Forbidden
409 - Feature already exists
400 - Invalid parameter

Update Feature

Update Feature - Use a valid GeoJson Feature in the body. The "id" in the body and the id in the url must match. If the feature does not exist, the feature will not be added and an error will be returned.

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 

   "properties": {
      "DECNO": "E-138", 
      "SomeOtherField": ""
   "geometry": {
      "coordinates": [
      "type": "Point"
Response: 200
"status": 200, 
"message": "Feature '100' updated", 
       "properties": {
          "DECNO": "E-138", 
          "OBJECTID": 100, 
          "SomeOtherField": ""
       "geometry": {
          "coordinates": [
          "type": "Point"

401 - Forbidden
404 - Feature does not exists
400 - Invalid parameter

Delete Feature

Delete Feature

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 
Response: 200
{"status": 200, "message": "Feature 'fid' deleted"}

401 - Forbidden
404 - Feature doesn't exist

Batch Feature Update

Batch Feature Update - Submit multiple edit operations in a single request. The response contains an exactly ordered list of statuses for each edit operation. Multiple operations on a single feature ID are not guaranteed to be persisted in their original order and thus are not recommended. For valid insert and update Json, see the above topics for individual feature updates.

Cookie: ACSID=yourAuthToken 

        "value":"...valid insert json..."
        "value":"...valid update json..."
Response: 200
        "result":"...cleaned feature json...",
        "result":"...cleaned feature json...",
        "value":"Feature '123' deleted",

401 - Forbidden
400 - Invalid parameter

Feature Attachments (Photos, Videos, Files)

Feature Attachments (Photos, Videos, Files) - Insert, Update and Delete photos and files for any feature using new GAE BlobStore.

Feature Feeds - Edit and Full

Feature Feeds contain information on features within a datasource. The Edit feed contains all recent changes to individual features (create, update, delete) while the Full feed contains a paginated view of all features in the datasource. The Edit feed is particularly useful for syncronizing data on other servers or from client side applications.

Atom Feed

Atom Feed

Json Feed

Json Feed

Feature Edit Notification

After a feature or features have been updated, you can optionally notify other servers of the changes instead of having them poll your Edit feeds. Polling clients can put a large strain on your server resources and while Google AppEngine will have no problem handling this strain, the wasted cost of replying to each polling request when no edits have occured should be avoided. There are two methods that built directly into your Cloud instance. A Manual WebHook is simply a remote server location that is POSTed to with the Json edit feed everytime it changes. A PubSubHubHub service is a third party service (free but public or pay for private) that handles all of the webhooks automatically and can scale to a very large number of server notifications.

Manual WebHooks

Manual WebHooks (

PubSub (PubSubHubbub)

PubSub (PubSubHubbub) -